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Run a Sepolia node

This guide will help you get a Sepolia archive node up and running.


Docker is installed and running. Git is installed. As of 2023-06-21T16:59:11+00:00 a full archive node sync takes 207.3 GB with geth + lighthouse. Consult the hardware requirements of the execution + consensus clients you are using.


Clone eth-docker

git clone
cd eth-docker

Enable archive mode

First, copy default.env to .env:

cp default.env .env

Next, open the .env file in your preferred text editor and set:


Complete the eth-docker quickstart

Complete the eth-docker quickstart:

Check your connection

You can do a simple curl command to check if the node is synced (change port from 8545 to whatever you have the execution client p2p port set to in your .env file):

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":0}'

Harden your network (optional)

This is important especially if you ssh into machine or open ports to the internet (be careful about that). Here are some recommended resources: