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Claim Prover Rewards

This guide will help you claim TTKO/TTKOe earned as a prover.


  • You followed the Enable a prover guide and have a prover which has proved a block to earn TTKO/TTKOe rewards.
  • Must have a balance of ETH Sepolia (see: Receive tokens).


View TTKO/TTKOe prover address balance

Go to the TaikoL1 contract read page (see contract addresses here) and select getTaikoTokenBalance(addr address) to lookup your TTKO/TTKOe claim balance for your prover's address.

Enter withdraw amount

Switch to the contract write page and select withdrawTaikoToken(amount uint256) to withdraw TTKO/TTKOe balances earned from being a prover.


Make sure to click the plus sign and add 10^8 decimals, or add 8 zeroes manually.

For example if you want to withdraw 81 TTKO, you would enter 8100000000.


Make sure


or else the transaction will revert.