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Run with Docker Compose

You can (preferably) use docker to run the system. Instructions for building from source is provided in the next section.

Install Docker:

Follow the docker install instructions for your platform/architecture.

Onboarding instructions will be based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_64 / amd64.

Install direnv:

sudo apt update
sudo apt get direnv

# bash users - add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
source ~/.bashrc

# zsh users - add the following line to your ~/.zshrc
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
source ~/.zshrc

Clone and Set Env Vars

  1. Clone the covalenthq/rudder repo.

    git clone
    cd rudder
    cat docker-compose-mbase.yml
  2. Check global environment variables

    $ cat .envrc

    export IPFS_PINNER_URL=""
    export EVM_SERVER_URL=""

    [[ -f .envrc.local ]] && source_env .envrc.local

    Note: .envrc.local overrides any env vars set with .envrc on calling direnv allow .

  3. Set local environment variables.

    $ touch .envrc.local

    export IPFS_PINNER_URL="http://ipfs-pinner:3001"
    export EVM_SERVER_URL="http://evm-server:3002"
    export WEB3_JWT="<<WEB3.STORAGE-API-TOKEN>>"
Note: When passing the private key into the env vars as above please remove the 0x prefix so the private key env var has exactly 64 characters.
  • BLOCK_RESULT_OPERATOR_PRIVATE_KEY: Your personal Block Result Producer (BRP) operator private key.

  • WEB3_JWT: Your personal API token used by the ipfs-pinner service.

  • IPFS_PINNER_URL: Service (ipfs-pinner) used by Rudder to access IPFS assets like Block Specimens (the service is automatically invoked and run with the in-repo Docker compose files, e.g., docker-compose-mbase.yml).

  • EVM_SERVER_URL: Service (evm-server) used by Rudder for stateless execution of Block Specimens into indexable (queryable) Block Results.

Start Services

Load env vars into the shell.

$ direnv allow .

# make sure you see these being loaded
direnv: loading ~/rudder/.envrc
direnv: loading ~/rudder/.envrc.local

Start all 3 services in the background for Moonbase alpha

$ docker compose -f "docker-compose-mbase.yml" up -d --remove-orphans

[+] Running 3/3
⠿ Container rudder Started 3.2s
⠿ Container ipfs-pinner Started 1.9s
⠿ Container evm-server Started 1.8s

NOTE: On a system where anipfs-pinner instance is already running, check the instruction in the Appendix to run rudder docker alongside.

Monitor the logs for Block Result submissions.
$ docker compose -f "docker-compose-mbase.yml" logs -f –tail 2

rudder | [info] curr_block: 4591264 and latest_block_num:4591263
ipfs-pinner | 2023/06/22 13:45:49 Received /health request: source= status= OK
rudder | [info] curr_block: 4591264 and latest_block_num:4591263
ipfs-pinner | 2023/06/22 13:46:00 Received /health request: source= status= OK
rudder | [info] curr_block: 4591264 and latest_block_num:4591264
rudder | [info] listening for events at 4591264
rudder | [info] found 0 bsps to process