📄️ Taiko Node Installation
This guide will walk you through the process of operating a Taiko node via simple-taiko-node. You will be able to:
📄️ Run a Sepolia Node
This guide will help you get a Sepolia archive node up and running.
📄️ Enable a Proposer
This guide will help you enable your Taiko node as a proposer.
📄️ Enable a Prover
Keep in mind that running a prover is a very competitive space, and those who generate proofs will have very powerful machines and optimized clients. It's unlikely to prove a block and gain rewards with the default client and minimum hardware requirements.
📄️ Claim Prover Rewards
This guide will help you claim TTKO/TTKOe earned as a prover.
📄️ Troubleshooting
If You Facing Any Errors on Nodes.